SURPRISE! Carson has made his arrival! This little guy already loves to keep his momma on her toes, that’s for sure! Alicia’s original due date isn’t for another 3 weeks - October 10th. However, 2 weeks ago she went in for a routine appointment and found her blood pressure to be on the higher side. While everything was perfectly fine with Carson, as a precaution, her doctor placed her on bedrest hoping her blood pressure would improve. However, when it didn’t, Carson decided it was time to come!
Carson Scott Bauer arrived healthy and happy at 37 weeks on Tuesday, September 19th at 11:49am. He weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19 inches long. He is one super strong boy and we are all so happy he’s here!
As many of you know, Josh, Alicia’s husband, is in the Marines and had just left for Japan. And, while he couldn’t physically be here for the birth, FaceTime made it possible for him to witness everything! Thanks Goodness for technology! Josh and Alicia’s moms stepped in to make sure she had lots of support!
Both Alicia and Carson are doing amazing and are now spending their days cuddling at home with the help of lots of friends and family! He is so, so loved already! Amy & I can't wait to get him to the studio for his newborn pictures!
Alicia will be taking some time off to be home with Carson and is planning on taking her time easing back into work slowly in a few weeks. Until then, enjoy these sweet pictures of this adorable babe!