When I first met Nicole she told us what a romantic day she had envisioned for her and Ryan's wedding, on Valentine's Day no less. When she was done describing her ideas, I knew it was going to be gorgeous - and it was. Despite the chilling winter temperatures, their day was filled with so much magic. From start to finish it was beautiful, including a dusting of gorgeous huge snowflakes. It was truly incredible. As we were taking quick photographs outdoors, we kept telling them to imagine they were on a beach in Hawaii, their honeymoon location - It must have worked because Nicole was an amazing trooper, looking gorgeous and perfect, unlike myself who went home with legitimate windburn on my face. Ah well, the images are what matter, the story is what matters and the fact that it is told as beautifully as it really that day are all that matter in the end.
As the bride and groom return home from Hawaii today, (Nothing like being welcomed back to the midwest with a forecasted 5-8 inches of snow!) we want to wish them all the best and say Congratulations!!!! Welcome Home, Mr & Mrs Habbe!
Somes Images Compliments of 2nd shooters : Jill Daughtry and Amy Rehkemper. Hair and Make-Up : Perfectly Polished Salon
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